Our services
Financial Management
FC Business Support’s team have extensive experience in managing the financial affairs of a diverse range of companies and businesses in the UK and internationally and we make this experience available to our SME clients for a full range of financial management services, including management accounting and internal reporting, management information and key performance indicators, cash flow management, budgetting and forecasting, capital investment appraisal and costing and preparing quotations and tender bids.
Accounting and Tax
We can prepare and submit your annual accounts and VAT returns, operate your payroll (either fully managed or gross-to-net) and make all your online filings with HMRC for you. We can also prepare and file your Corporation Tax and individual Self-Assessment Tax Returns. We have extensive, up-to-date knowledge of tax planning techniques and opportunities for SME’s and whilst we are looking after your tax affairs we will always be looking for ways to minimise the amount you pay that are both permissible and ethical.
Financial Advice
Our team of accountants and consultants have many years’ experience working in and advising highly successful businesses as well as helping struggling ones. If your business is doing well, we can help you build and implement a plan for expansion or growth. If your business is underperforming, we can help you manage. If need be, we will work with you on creating and implementing a restructuring plan.
Support Services
We offer company registration and company secretarial services as well as a range of company administration support, for example maintaining HR records, managing company vehicle fleets, and opening and maintaining bank accounts and credit facilities.
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About us
FC Business Support is a firm of chartered accountants with a difference. We specialise in acting for SME’s, but we are support-driven rather than compliance-driven. This means we want to be involved in helping you manage and develop your business, and we will bring to the relationship our team’s excellent experience from industry and venture capital-backed companies as well as in the accountancy profession. We can certainly manage all your accounting and tax affairs for you, but what we really want to do is add value by providing a quality of financial and business input that is often not readily available to SME’s. The clients we like best are the ones who are going places and have highly driven owners and managers, rather than necessarily the ones who are simply the largest. This is where there is most scope for us to prosper together.